SEMH intervention programmes

We provide a comprehensive range of social and emotional learning (SEL) and social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) intervention programmes, as well as a parent programme to support a whole-school graduated response and the high levels of children with SEMH difficulties.

Our SEMH intervention programmes provide the framework, language, and content for courageous conversations about children’s mental health, emotions, and life experiences, as well as the structure to support children’s social and emotional development. Our SEMH intervention programmes are supported by evidence and schools are seeing real change as children develop confidence, SEL skills and healthier relationships.

Our SEMH intervention programmes enhance PSHE and focus on ten key emotional themes; friendship, resilience, anxiety, diversity, strong emotions and anger, change and transition, conflict resolution, loss and bereavement, sadness and self-esteem. To strengthen parent partnership, provide insight, practical skills and create support networks we launched Families Together Parent Programme.

  • Time-saving, creative, flexible packages – everything schools need from detailed progressive session plans, impact tools, wellbeing journals, parent/carer leaflets, motivational resources, sock puppet pet craft kits, access to Resource Hub and optional impact reporting dashboard, Navigator.
  • Evidence-based research, neuroscience and early social and emotional development underpin our programmes – the importance of relationships is at the core. Through the combination of relational practice, psychoeducation, and theory-based creative activities, the evidence shows we are ensuring the best outcomes for children.

  • Improve children’s wellbeing and attendance and reduce exclusions – research shows that schools are seeing a significant positive influence on educational engagement and reduction of emotional school-based avoidance, anxiety and challenging behaviours.
  • Children gain transferable social and emotional literacy skills – research also shows that children are applying the learning back in the classroom.

  • Empower staff – free training and support equips pastoral staff with greater confidence to deliver vital emotional literacy programmes with empathy, insight and awareness.

  • Demonstrate impact – digital resources for EHCP, SEN and PEP reviews to capture post-programme impact in line with Ofsted and ISI inspection frameworks.

  • Capture child voice – ensure children feel heard, understood and empowered to share their experiences.
  • Cost-effective investment in children’s wellbeing – reusable resources that cost just pence per child.

Parent partnership programme

Families Together is our programme for parents, carers and family members, providing them with understanding, practical approaches, skills and language to support the mental health and wellbeing of their children collaboratively alongside school.

Families Together Parent Programme Icon

Our comprehensive range of SEL and SEMH intervention programmes

SEL Programmes Conflict

Actions, words and me – Helping children with conflict resolution

Our conflict programme helps children understand what conflict is, how it affects them and how to use their communication skills, empathy, listening skills and assertiveness to express, resolve and repair relationships when there is a rupture or disagreement.

SEL Programmes Diversity

Celebrating me – Helping children with difference, diversity and inclusion

When we feel different or that we don’t belong, we can feel confused, uncertain or have mixed feelings. This programme helps children to understand their feelings, celebrate differences and diversity and have respect for themselves and others.

SEL Programmes Resilience

Resilient me – Helping children with resilience

This programme helps children learn to express and talk about feelings, obstacles and fears, to develop and grow inner strength and gain confidence in stepping out of their comfort zone and reaching for their hopes and aspirations through developing skills of persistence and problem-solving.

SEL Programmes Anxiety

Calm me – Helping children with anxiety

This programme helps children to begin to understand and recognise the signs of anxiety, and helps them to know they are not alone with anxious feelings. They will learn ways to express, regulate and share their thoughts so they feel understood and able to survive through difficult times.

SEL Programmes Sadness

Finding me – Helping children with sadness

Sometimes children know what they are sad about, but sometimes they don’t, and this can be because of deep blocked feelings inside them. In this programme, we begin to look at sadness and how this can present itself. We help children with ways to be able to express and make sense of their feelings.

SEL Programmes Change

New beginnings and me – Helping children with changes and transitions

When change occurs there is anticipation and uncertainty and many children find it unsettling, worrying and sometimes painful. This programme helps children to recognise the range of feelings they have, talk about their experiences and helps them to plan for change and prepare for endings.

SEL Programmes Loss

Memories and me – Helping children with loss, bereavement and grief

Coping with loss and bereavement is incredibly painful. This programme helps children think about bereavement, share their thoughts and experiences in a sensitive and emotionally-containing way and understand how it may affect them, so that they are more aware and able to seek the support they need.

SEL Programmes Self esteem

Amazing me – Helping children with their self-esteem, self-worth and confidence

Learning to appreciate, affirm and celebrate who we are is a powerful gift that every child needs and deserves. This programme helps children recognise, celebrate and value their own self-worth, and to feel a sense of pride through a range of activities and opportunities to reflect and share experiences together.

SEL Programmes Friendships

My friends and me – Helping children with friendships

Our friendships help us to feel we belong, feel connected, happy and loved. But friendships can hurt too. Children need opportunities to talk about their friendships and peer relationships and the range of feelings and experiences within them and learn how to navigate tricky times through strategies and activities.

SEL Programmes Angry Feelings

Exploding me – Helping children with strong emotions and anger

Anger can be a scary emotion to have but it is essential that children are given permission to feel and express it. This programme offers ideas, opportunities and activities to share thoughts and feelings as well as practical ways to help recognise the triggers and the physiological effects of anger and strong feelings, and to help children learn ways to express these feelings safely.

Flexible SEMH intervention programmes

Versatile even for less-experienced staff Hamish & Milo SEMH intervention programmes are used most commonly in small groups, but can be used 1:1 and for whole classes across the primary ‘stage’ range. Our SEMH intervention programmes provide opportunities for children to explore situations and experiences that happen in their lives and the complexity of feelings that impact emotional health in weekly sessions consisting of activities and discussion over a 10 week period or a term.

Next steps

Hamish & Milo Clare Williams Discovery session

Each 30-minute Discovery Session covers the rationale, approach and framework of the Hamish & Milo wellbeing resources or watch a recorded Discovery Session now

SEMH Programme Supported By Evidence Hamish & Milo

“Emerging data shows statistically significant differences in observations about the emotional and behavioural presentation of children, pre- and post-intervention.”

Hamish & Milo SEMH Programme Samples

View samples of the session plan cards, child wellbeing profiles, parent and carer booklets and many other resources to see the range, content and quality.

Cartoon of Milo sleeping on his chair

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