
Families Together Parent Programme2024-09-02T16:32:50+01:00

Families Together Parent Programme

Families Together is our programme for parents, carers and family members, providing them with understanding, practical approaches, skills and language to support the mental health and wellbeing of their children collaboratively alongside school.

Working in partnership with parents and carers

We firmly believe that schools, parents and carers working collaboratively are essential to maximise both the pastoral and academic outcomes of children and young people. Partnership working has been shown to have a positive impact on children’s overall wellbeing, behaviour, sense of belonging, development and academic achievement regardless of their social and economic backgrounds.

Where the adults present in the lives of children have a shared understanding and approach and can work collaboratively, children’s best interests are central and more successfully fulfilled. This shared knowledge provides vital insight into how to support children, particularly when they are facing more difficult life experiences and need support with co-regulation and big emotions.

Listening to the child is of utmost importance and creating an emotionally safe environment that fosters nurturing relationships between significant adults and the children in their care, is at the heart of what we believe.

Families Together Parent Programme Icon

When educators and families work together, they can build strong connections with each other that reinforce social and emotional skills developed in the home, in schools, and in their communities.

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

Girl Wheelchair Sock Puppet Pet Profile

Hamish & Milo Families Together is a series of workshops for parents, carers and family members that link directly to the Hamish & Milo wellbeing intervention programmes.

Families Together offers insight into the programme themes, concepts, theory, content and approach, as well as building on the collaborative partnership with school. Family members experience Hamish & Milo, gain insight into what their children are learning, share home-to-school experiences in a safe environment, and meet other families to benefit from mutual support network.

Each week has a different emotion theme covering the main theory and learning, practical techniques and skills and an opportunity to share thoughts and develop a common language to help better support their children’s social and emotional development and wellbeing.

Family shared activity

Family sock puppet pet

Wicklea Academy

Family shared activity

Family sock puppet pet

Wicklea Academy

Family shared activity

Family sock puppet pet

Family shared activity

Family shared activity

Family coat of arms

Hamish & Milo Families Together programme contents

All session plans are available online as well as downloadable resources such as templates, models and activities. We also send to you the sock puppet pet craft kits, stickers and certificates.

  • Comprehensive structured session plans – follow a specific and consistent format to support pastoral staff.
  • Supporting resources – templates and activities, videos and model handouts.
  • Guidance bookletoutlining the contents, rationale, workshop format, suggested schedule and supporting resources etc.

  • Resource checklist – summary of each workshop session and required resources.

  • Family Voice questionnaires – to measure impact and record feedback.
  • Insight & Activity weekly handouts – to be given out at the end of each workshop session they detail the key thoughts, reflections and suggested activities to do at home.

  • Stickers and certificates – for parents, carers and family members to show appreciation to each other and celebrate being a team!

  • Sock puppet pet craft kit – for the family sock puppet pet activity.

  • 60-minute optional training – to share programme content and approach and build facilitator confidence.

Positive Childhood Experiences PCEs poster
Sock Puppet Craft Kit from Hamish & Milo
Families Together Certificate

Who facilitates the Families Together programme?

Pastoral staff in schools such as ELSAs, TAs, mentors, and family link workers who have been running the Hamish & Milo intervention with groups of children would be best placed to run the Families Together programme.

A support network for parents, carers and families

Parents and carers can often feel isolated and unable to share their experiences, worries or hopes. Families Together is a powerful way of building a network between parents, carers and family members and provides a safe space to share ideas, thoughts and experiences and develop a common language and approach to support children whilst supporting each other. It is a powerful opportunity for parents to reflect safely too on their own childhood experiences and their experiences of parenting.

“I’ve enjoyed the time with parents before and after, connecting with other parents too.”

“I’ve taken something from every session.”

Families Together Programme Parent Network
Child Memory Star

Workshop format

Like the Hamish & Milo intervention programmes the workshops follow a structured format. The first half of each workshop is just for the parents and family members to enable discussion and shared insight, and then the children join for shared family activities and reflection.

This is a magical opportunity for the parents and carers to meet the children ‘in their world of school’ and to engage in activities that encourage thinking about different emotions. The activities are creative and thought-provoking as well as fun and build on the adult/child relationship offering special time together. It really is an opportunity to deepen and reflect on relationships and to grow together.

“I’ve been able to see myself in my child.”

“I think Hamish & Milo has really given me and my son a safe place to talk about things that have happened in my family… big changes. It’s lovely to come to into his space… somehow just that change in dynamic has really helped us connect. I feel much closer to him. He knows it’s quality time and I’ve chosen to be here.”

Parent, Waycroft Academy, Bristol

Families Together programme FAQs

Can I use the programme more than once?2025-01-28T14:27:41+00:00

Yes, once you have purchased the Families Together parent programme you can use it with as many groups as you like. All the online resources are available for unlimited staff for unlimited time. We provide stickers, certificates and sock puppet pet craft kits for three groups and you can purchase top up bundles for additional groups at £75.

What do I need to run the programme?2025-01-28T14:28:06+00:00

All session plans are available online as well as downloadable resources such as templates, models and activities. We also send you the sock puppet pet craft kits, stickers and certificates.
• Access to a room or space for six children and six adults
• Refreshments such as tea, coffee, squash, milk, biscuits, cakes
• Supporting resources such as art materials, as outlined in our provided resource list
• Some preparation time

What should I do if a parent doesn’t come to one of the sessions?2025-01-28T14:28:26+00:00

Try to encourage a parent or family member to come each time because the importance is on the child having their special adult with them to do the family activity. It might be best for a child to miss a session if their parent or carer can’t make a session, or if there is a special adult who can step in on an odd occasion that could still work, but only as a last resort.

Do the parents and carers have to attend all ten sessions?2025-01-28T14:28:44+00:00

Yes. It is a ten-week programme and family members are encouraged to attend all sessions. Each week covers a new emotion theme and fundamental social and emotional development skills relevant to them even if their child has only completed one of the Hamish & Milo intervention groups.

What if the parents and carers are reluctant to join?2025-01-28T14:29:01+00:00

All you can do is encourage the parents and carers to join the programme by explaining how it is to help them understand more about Hamish & Milo and what their children are learning in their groups, as well as provide them with practical approaches, skills and language to support the wellbeing of their children. We hope they will be interested in coming but sometimes reluctant parents may join the next time when they have heard good things and word has spread!

Can I run the programme on my own or do I need extra staff?2025-01-28T14:29:18+00:00

This will depend on your school setting and your confidence. Ideally, it is best to have two adults to facilitate discussions and assist with activities. However, we understand that due to capacity issues in schools, it may be necessary for the programme to be run by just one facilitator.

Do I need training to run these workshops?2025-01-28T14:30:13+00:00

We suggest facilitators run the programme after attending our free 90-minute Families Together training session on content and implementation. A two-day accredited training programme is planned to build facilitator confidence, expertise and practice.with space for the activities and to ensure that everyone has time and opportunity to speak and share ideas in the group.

How often should I run the programme?2025-01-28T14:30:43+00:00

Depending on capacity and time, we recommend you run a Families Together programme once per term. It will depend on the number of children and parents you wish to be involved in the programme and the logistics for each school. You could have a waiting list and, depending on capacity, run additional groups.

Is Families Together a behaviour programme for parents and carers of children with challenging behaviours?2025-01-28T14:31:19+00:00

No. Families Together parent programme supports the understanding of children’s social and emotional development and the contents of Hamish & Milo SEMH programmes so that schools and families can better work together to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.

Can I have mixed ages of the children?2025-01-28T14:31:38+00:00

Yes, the groups can include children from different age groups. Parents can discuss a range of things about different emotions and experiences and relate it to their child whatever the age. It can be beneficial to have groups with children of similar ages. Remember, you know your children best!

How do I choose the children and families?2025-01-28T14:32:04+00:00

Knowing your children, you may like to select parents if you think they would benefit particularly from the programme and extend a personal invitation. Alternatively, you could hold an information session for all parents and carers of children who have been in an intervention group and offer a place to anyone who would like to join.

Can dads join?2025-01-28T14:32:25+00:00

Yes! Encourage dads, mums, stepparents, aunts, uncles, grandparents – whoever is a key caregiver and free to join the sessions. We recognise that some parents work, and it is hard to attend all sessions, but please encourage family members to come so that the child has a special adult with them each week. It works best if it is the same adult each week, but sometimes we have to be flexible as lives are busy.

How many children and adults would you suggest per group?2025-01-28T14:32:54+00:00

Like the main intervention programme aim for six children, and then a family member, whether a parent, carer, grandparent etc. per child. The group needs to be manageable for the size of the room with space for the activities and to ensure that everyone has time and opportunity to speak and share ideas in the group.

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