Hamish & Milo Voyager – Wellbeing in Education Award

Hamish & Milo Voyager is a ‘Level 3 Wellbeing in Education Award’ accredited by NCFE.

This training course aims to develop the knowledge and awareness of Hamish & Milo practitioners facilitating the programme with children in primary schools settings, by providing insights into the context and foundational theoretical concepts of the resources.

The content of the course is structured around the Hamish & Milo programme themes, and the theory is woven around this structure, providing a deeper understanding of the development of and support required for children’s optimal social and emotional health and wellbeing.

All educational practitioners who support children’s social and emotional development would benefit from this qualification, but it is particularly helpful for pastoral staff, including but not limited to:

  • TAs and LSAs
  • ELSAs/Pupil Wellbeing Workers
  • Nurture Leads
  • Family Support Workers
  • SENCOs

Meet our course authors and trainers – Clare Williams and Andrea Middleton

Clare Williams Author Hamish & Milo Wellbeing Resources
Andrea Middleton Hamish & Milo Lead Consultant

Hamish & Milo Voyager Terms & Conditions:

  • Voyager bookings are made online and processed within two weeks.
  • Voyager courses will be invoiced in advance and payment will be due prior to the start of the course.
  • The fee is non-refundable in the event of any cancellation or postponement within a period of two weeks before the start of the course. We would however offer a transfer to another course held later in the year.
  • Full payment would be returned if for any reason Hamish & Milo Ltd needed to cancel a course but delegates would be offered an alternative where possible.
  • A late payment fee of 15% will be added to the invoice. We understand and will exercise the statutory right to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 if we are not paid according to the agreed credit terms.

Please see here our full Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.