We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we are a Finalist in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Wales Awards

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Wales Awards recognises and rewards individuals and companies who go above and beyond to put the wellbeing of others first.

We are so very proud to be a finalist in the Award Category of the Best Education Product or Service category. This award is to recognise and celebrate a product or service designed to provide mental health and wellbeing support to the education sector. Entrants include those designed for early years, schools and colleges, so to be chosen as a finalist alongside so many other wonderful organisations working to improve mental health in the education sector is a privilege.

“It is an absolute honour to be a finalist alongside organisations and professionals who are shaping the future for children’s mental health and wellbeing. To have our emotions curriculum and wellbeing intervention recognised in Wales, where the development of the new curriculum for Health and Wellbeing and the drive towards a Trauma and Mental Health Informed society is at the forefront, is a real privilege and one that inspires our mission to ensure children thrive and have aspirations for now and in the future.

Clare Williams – Co-founder & Author

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Awards is organised by The Ajuda Foundation, a registered not-for-profit organisation that promotes the positive mental health and wellbeing of individuals, community groups and organisations, across Wales.

“Finding out there was almost 200 entries we feel incredibly privileged to be shortlisted as a finalist. To be included alongside inspiring individuals and organisations all focussed on improving peoples wellbeing is very humbling. Our small team have made huge strides this past year to support primary settings UK-wide, and we wont stop until every child feels happier, heard and connected.”

Anne Waddicor – Co-founder

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Awards will be held on 10th October 2022 at The Mental Health & Wellbeing Conference at The Village Hotel, Cardiff. Clare Williams and Anne Waddicor will attend and represent the Hamish & Milo Wellbeing Resources team for the full day’s conference and look forward to meeting everyone else involved in this wonderful awards project.

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