Hamish & Milo proudly received an International Forum of Inclusion Practitioners ‘Global Inclusion Award 2024’

We are absolutely thrilled to be recognised by the International Forum of Inclusion Practitioners (IFIP), with a Global Inclusion Award announced at UNESCO HQ, this week in Paris, for the work we’re doing.

From applicants from 39 countries across the globe, a total of 149 organisations and individuals are being recognised and celebrated across eight categories.

This award is in recognition of our commitment to inclusion, the celebration of diversity and the prioritisation of wellbeing in the education sector and it’s such a great honour and achievement.

At Hamish & Milo, we strive for inclusion, for children’s wellbeing and for their voices to be heard. Children’s wellbeing matters and is at the heart of inclusion and by ensuring social and emotional development is prioritised, children can thrive in learning and life.

We’re now proudly listed alongside the other Global Inclusion Award Winners on the IFIP website

“This is a mark of sincere respect, admiration and high praise for your efforts, attainment and leadership in changing this world to be more inclusive. It is an honour to have read your submission and to count you and the work you have done as an awardee of the IFIP.”

Daniel Sobel, Founder, CEO, Chair, International Forums of Inclusion Practitioners

IFIP Global Inclusion Award Hamish & Milo

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