Hamish & Milo Compass Emotional Literacy Skills Profile tool

Compass is a tool and checklist to identify individual child strengths and areas of need for social and emotional skill development.

Compass provides a general overview of a child’s emotional and social development highlighting the areas of strength and particularly opportunities for development.

Compass provides a scoring checklist and a bespoke scoring system to signpost towards the best Hamish & Milo Wellbeing Intervention programme or emotion theme for a child to join to best support their social and emotional development.

Of course knowledge of the child(ren), their context, reasons for intervention referral and your professional judgement is vital when deciding which programme a child would benefit from, and may bypass the need for Compass, but it is intended to be a supplementary tool to aid in intervention planning and signposting.

Compass has been developed to offer support in providing wellbeing intervention that makes a real difference for children.

Compass Emotional Literacy Skills Profile

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