Navigator User Guide
Everything you need to get going in Navigator, step-by-step instructions, videos and helpful hints.
Getting started
Login information will be sent to your registered school email address. For security please refrain from any personal email addresses (e.g. no gmail, hotmail, yahoo).
You can access Navigator here: or via the ‘Navigator Login’ top right of our website menu.
- Click ‘Login’
- Enter your ‘School name’ exactly as it appears in the confirmation email from us
- Enter your ‘Email address’ exactly as it appears in the confirmation email from us (the one you are registered on our system with), no personal email addresses
- Click ‘Forgot password’ the first time you access the system to create a password memorable to you
- Click ‘Login’
Any time you forget your password you can click the forgotten password feature
- On your computer, open a web browser
- Open
- To the right of the address bar, click Star Bookmark this page – name and save the bookmark
Any queries, or to add new users for your school, please email
Important notes and tips
- 1Add your staff member(s) who are running groups
- 2
Add your children’s code(s)
- 3
Add your group profile i.e. Calm me Spring 2024 (Create a group even if you are doing 1-2-1 sessions)
- 4Add wellbeing profiles and SDQs per child at the beginning and end of the intervention
- 5Add child’s voice per child at the end of the intervention
- 6View the dashboard for impact reporting
School management
Preparation – add your staff, your children, and your groups
- Select ‘School management’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Staff members’
- Select ‘+ New staff member’ – top right-hand corner
- Complete the ‘New staff member’ pop up
- Add first name
- Add surname
- Add email address
- Tick ‘Is active’
- Select ‘job role’ from the drop down menu
- Press ‘Save’

- Select ‘School management’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Children’
- Select ‘+ New child’ – top right-hand corner
- Complete the ‘New child’ pop up
- Add the child’s initials
- Add ‘Child unique code’
- Select the child’s gender from the drop-down menu
- Select the child’s ethnicity from the drop-down menu
- Select ‘year group’ from the drop-down menu
- Select the child’s age group from the drop-down menu
- Select the child’s situation e.g. LAC, FSM, etc. from the drop-down menu and click ‘Add’ you can add as many as are appropriate repeating the process
- Press ‘Save’

- Select ‘School management’
- Select ‘Group profiles’
- Select ‘+ New group profile’ – top right-hand corner
- Complete the new group profile pop-up – ‘Group profile’ Tab contents
- Use the drop-down to choose your name
- Use the drop-down to select the intervention theme programme i.e. Amazing me
- Enter a group name – we suggest agreeing on a naming convention for your setting, i.e. Theme – Term – Number = Calm me 1 – Summer 2023
- Description – add any description you wish regarding this intervention group
- Enter the ‘pre-intervention date’ – click the little calendar icon for easy selection
- LEAVE Post-intervention date for now
- Then select the ‘Children’ Tab
- Use the drop-menu to select and ‘Add’ required children one at a time
- THEN press the ‘Save’ button
- Select ‘School management’
- Select ‘Children’
- Select the child you need to amend
- Select ‘Actions’ then ‘Edit’ and adjust as required
- Select ‘Save’ or
- Select ‘Delete’
- Press ‘Yes’ in the ‘Are you sure’ pop up

- Select ‘School profile’ from the main menu
- Select ‘+New school profile’ and complete the pop-up ‘School details‘
- Enter your ‘First name’, ‘Last name’ and ‘Email’
- Use the drop-down to select your ‘Job role’
- Enter your ‘School name’
- Enter your ‘School URN’ – search available
- Enter school ‘Postal code’
- Enter your ‘MAT, Trust or LA’
- Use the drop-down to choose ‘School / establishment type’
- Tick KS1, KS2 or KS3
- Use drop-down to select school ‘Religious denomination’
- Then click the tab ‘Pupils‘ and complete all the fields
- Then click the tab ‘Exclusions & absence‘ and complete all the fields
- Then click the tab ‘Ethnicity‘ and complete all the fields
- Then click the tab ‘Staff‘ and complete all the fields
- Then click the tab ‘Outcomes‘ – and write what do you hope to achieve for your school in being part of this project?
- Press ‘Save’

Managing children’s information
Collecting – start your groups, start collecting information with our wellbeing profiles, child voice etc.
- Select ‘School management’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Group profiles’
- Select the required group
- Press the ‘Actions’ button, then ‘Edit’
- Select the ‘Children’ Tab – all children in the group are listed
- Children can be added and deleted here using the drop-down menu or ‘bin’ button
- Press ‘Save’

- Select ‘Wellbeing profiles’ from the main menu
- Select the wellbeing programme e.g. Amazing me and you will see a list of the children in Amazing me groups
- Navigator will have created two wellbeing profile entries for each child (one pre- and one post-intervention) ready for you to populate
- Select the required child pre- or post- record as required – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- The ‘Details’ tab is already completed for you so click the tab ‘Behaviours’ and complete all the fields using the drop-downs to select your answers
- Then click the tab ‘Indicators’ and complete all the fields using the drop-downs to select your answers
- Then click the ‘Observations’ tab and write your observations for the child at this stage, either pre- or post-intervention
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘Wellbeing profiles’ from the main menu
- Select the wellbeing programme e.g. Amazing me and you will see a list of the children in Amazing me groups
- Select the required pre- or post- record you wish to check or edit – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- Edit the fields as required
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘Wellbeing profiles’ from the main menu
- Select the wellbeing programme e.g. Amazing me and you will see a list of the children in Amazing me groups
- Select the required pre- or post- record you wish to delete – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Delete’ button
- When the pop-up window ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you want to delete this record?’ opens click ‘Yes’

- Select ‘SDQ’ from the main menu
- Navigator will have created two SDQ entries for each child (one pre- and one post-intervention) ready for you to populate
- Select the required child pre- or post- record as required – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- The ‘Details’ tab is already completed for you so click the tab ‘Behaviours’ and complete all the fields using the drop-downs to select your answers
- Then click the tab ‘Difficulties’ and complete all the fields if relevant
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘SDQ’ from the main menu
- Select the required pre- or post- record you wish to check or edit – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- Edit the fields as required
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘SDQ’ from the main menu
- Select the required pre- or post- record you wish to delete – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Delete’ button
- When the pop-up window ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you want to delete this record?’ opens click ‘Yes’

- Select ‘Children’s voices’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Voices’ and you will see a list of the children in your school intervention groups
- Navigator will have created a child’s voice entry for each child when you ‘started’ the group ready for you to populate
- Select the required child record – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials (or by any menu item)
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- The ‘Details’ tab is already completed for you so click the tab ‘Before Joining Group’ and complete all the fields using the drop-downs and tick boxes to select the child’s answers. You can do this on the paper print out version with the child if easier
- Then click the tab ‘After Joining Group’ and complete all the fields
- Then click the tab ‘What I think’ and complete with the comments or feedback from the child in their own words
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘Children’s voices’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Voices’ and you will see a list of the children in your school intervention groups
- Select the required record you wish to check or edit – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials (or by any menu item)
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Edit’ button
- Edit the fields as required
- Press the ‘Save’ button

- Select ‘Children’s voices’ from the main menu
- Select ‘Voices’ and you will see a list of the children in your school intervention groups
- Select the required record you wish to delete – you can filter alphabetically on ‘Child’ initials (or by any menu item)
- Select the ‘Actions’ and then ‘Delete’ button
- When the pop-up window ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you want to delete this record?’ opens click ‘Yes’

Dashboard overview
Select ‘Dashboard’ from the main menu or click on the ‘View my dashboard’ Quick link button.

You will see the Dashboard Summary – programmes, groups, children and overview presented with bar charts showing the pre-intervention and post-intervention scores.
You will also see ‘Summary’ boxes showing:
- The total number of children actively within wellbeing intervention programme in your school
- The number of intervention groups actively in progress
- Select ‘Dashboard’ from the main menu or click on the ‘View my dashboard’ Quick link button
- Click on any programme, i.e. Amazing me for a top-level look at the impact of all the Amazing me intervention groups
- You can see ‘All group average’ scores for both pre- and post-intervention
- You can see individual group scores for both pre- and post-intervention

- Select ‘Dashboard’ from the main menu or click on the ‘View my dashboard’ Quick link button
- Click on any programme, i.e. Resilient me
- Click on any group profile i.e. ‘Resilient Me 1 – Summer 2023′
- You can see the group of children and their scores for both pre- and post-intervention and the status of the intervention group

- Select ‘Dashboard’ from the main menu or click on the ‘View my dashboard’ Quick link button
- Click on the programme, then the group the child is in then click the ‘Unique Child Code’
You will then see your complete child profile:
- At the top are the Wellbeing profile, SDQ and Child’s voice pre- and post-intervention scores – you can hover on each pie chart plus see the ‘change’ for that child in % too
- Next you see task reminders beneath each pie chart, showing if an item is ‘Not started’ ‘In progress’ or ‘Completed’
- Beneath the Childs voice pie chart you also see the wording sumarising how the child felt, before and after the intervention
- Below that you see each ‘Observed behaviour’ and ‘Protective indicators’ pre- and post-intervention scores in % – Green for a positive change, blue if no change, and red for a ‘negative’ change

- Below that you see the SDQ data pre- and post-intervention scores in %
- Below that you see the Childs voice data pre- and post-intervention scores in %
- Below that is the summary from the Childs voice of feedback narrative from the child’s perspective
- Below that is the records relating to the ‘Child situation history’ detailing any changes and when
- Then lastly the child session notes from each of the 10 week sessions

Observations, thoughts and reflections
- Select ‘Notes’ from the main menu
- Click on ‘Child session notes’
- When you clicked ‘Start group’ Navigator automatically added a session notes entry for each child in the group ready for you to populate
- Click on ‘Actions’ then ‘Edit’ on the required child session note e.g. ‘Resilient Me 1 – Summer 2023 – Child AW – Session 1’
- Then you can type in your child session note
- Press ‘Save’
Child session notes will then appear at the bottom of each Child’s Summary Overview (accessed via the impact Dashboard on the main menu).

- Select ‘Notes’ from the main menu
- Click on ‘Session notes’
- When you clicked ‘Start group’ Navigator automatically added a session notes entry for each session (week 1-10) ready for you to populate
- Click on ‘Actions’ then ‘Edit’ on the required session note e.g. ‘Resilient Me 1 – Summer 2023 Session 1’
- Then you can type in your notes for:
- Observations comments
- What went well
- Points for development
- Considerations next session
- Press ‘Save’
Session notes will then apear at the bottom of each Group Summary Overview (accessed via the impact Dasboard on the main menu).