Individual child profile record

Editable individual child record to highlight the context and background information relevant for wellbeing intervention.

We have created Individual Child Profile Records to support pastoral staff in collating information about each of the children in their intervention programme.

The Individual Child Profile Records are a way of recording detailed information about each of the children; the context and background of the child and space to record ongoing observations for the duration of the sessions of the intervention programme.

These Individual Child Profile Record documents link directly to the wellbeing profile impact measurement tools that highlight presenting behaviours and can be used as a record for intervention, ongoing support, development of EHCPs or individual support plans or for signposting where children may need involvement from additional services.

You can download the records, save and type straight into the PDF to save digitally, or buy them in our online shop in batches if you prefer to write on paper!

We hope that these new resources will support pastoral staff further and we welcome any feedback to

Hamish & Milo Individual Child Profile Record Featured
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Cartoon of Milo sleeping on his chair

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