We are extremely proud be working with the prestigious Department of Psychology, University of Bath on a research project
The research project will explore and exemplify the impact of our intervention programme on children’s wellbeing.
We are working with over 100 schools to deliver the Hamish & Milo Wellbeing Intervention Programme and will provide training as well as Supervision Hub Sessions so that pastoral staff are supported and confident in the implementation of the programme.
We have cohorts of schools from across the country including Kent, Dorset, Bristol, Lancashire, Hampshire and London taking part.
This is a very exciting opportunity and we are still interested in hearing from any individual school, groups of schools, or Academy Trust that is interested in joining this research study. If you are interested or would like to find out more please email clare@hamishandmilo.org.
How it will work in practice
The Hamish & Milo child wellbeing profiles will be used alongside standardised emotional health measures to look at the impact of the programme and its implications for children’s emotional health and wellbeing. Only data relating to results will be stored, no personal data.
Child wellbeing profiles
Integral to our programme, and unique to each of our ten emotion theme packs are the child wellbeing profiles. Designed as an impact measure tool to help identify indicators and specific areas of need within a child’s emotional health and development, they are used pre-and-post intervention to track progress or development.
The child wellbeing profiles are a clear structured way of reviewing progress alongside verbal and written feedback, so identifying any shifts or changes for the child as a result of the programme can not only act as a means to inform future intervention or signposting but facilitate this research.
Ongoing support throughout the research project
In line with the research study Hamish & Milo will provide Explorer training sessions to cohorts of schools focussing on:
In addition, there will be half-termly Supervision Hub and review sessions for cohorts of staff implementing the programme which will:
Further information will follow and we will provide updates as the research progresses.
Email clare@hamishandmilo.org to get involved!