Our Festive Season Giveaway for 2024 has now closed

Do you know a school that you think would really benefit from the Hamish & Milo SEMH intervention programme and resources, as we are gifting £2,500 worth this festive season?

It’s the season of giving and receiving, and once again, we are reaching out for your school nominations. Our aim is to gift even more support this festive season to schools where there’s significant need and that will benefit children’s mental health and wellbeing.

We know that many schools continue to navigate the challenges of having high levels of children struggling with their social, emotional and mental health and staff recognise the need for a SEMH and emotions curriculum as part of their range of provision, but all to often can’t access this due to budget cuts and funding limitations.

So, we are asking for nominations to find a school that would really benefit from the gift of Hamish & Milo SEMH intervention programme and resources.

Our Festive Season Giveaway is running throughout December, so, if you are a teacher, TA, ELSA, headteacher, advisor, parent or advocate of Hamish & Milo and know a school in your local area, or one you support, who would be excited and delighted to receive a whole wellbeing programme, then please nominate them today!

Five Star

The first chosen school will be gifted the Hamish & Milo Five Star Bundle worth £2,145, including all the wellbeing programmes, online access for unlimited staff, training, supervision, advanced accredited training, top-up resources and much more!

A second and third school will also be chosen to receive gifts.

This Festive Season Giveaway is open to both existing customers and those new to the Hamish & Milo community throughout the UK and Ireland. Only one nomination per person will be accepted. Closing date for nominations is 27th December 2024.

Simply follow these steps to nominate your school for free wellbeing resources:

  • Choose your school!
  • Complete your nomination form saying why you are nominating your chosen school.

For extra festive fun, free resources and news on future offers and events, find and share us across your own social media pages, however, not doing so will not affect your nomination.

Please share this giveaway on your social platform of choice!

“Hamish & Milo is an organisation dedicated to improving children’s mental health and emotional development and it’s really important to Clare and I, even as a small business, that we are true to our values and our mission to put the needs of children as our number one priority. It guides every decision we make. We run these ‘giveaways’ to give schools that perhaps can’t find the funds the opportunity to win the programme and support their children with their emotional learning and wellbeing.”

Anne Waddicor, Managing Director, Hamish & Milo

The shortlist of nominated schools will be made available on our website from the 2nd January 2025. Final selection will be made by an independent external judge, and details will be available from Monday 6th January 2025.

By growing our Champion community, we hope to see many more schools being able to make a difference to the lives of children within their school community and beyond!

Terms & Conditions Apply

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Cartoon of Milo sleeping on his chair

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