Woodlands Academy, Bristol, Cabot Learning Federation
Our Hamish & Milo Story
Woodlands Academy located in South Bristol is a small, one-form entry school with 165 children.
There is a high level of need within the community and high numbers of children regarded with pupil premium needs. Woodlands Academy strives to place the wellbeing of the children at the centre of all it does.
“At Woodlands, children are at the centre of everything we do. We aim to offer our pupils an education which supports and challenges every child to reach their full potential. We want children to leave Woodlands confident, responsible, determined and well-equipped for the next stage of their lives.”
The school has recently joined the Cabot Learning Federation along with two other schools, Wicklea Academy and Waycroft Academy, from the original Waycroft Multi-Academy Trust. The Cabot Learning Federation is based in the South West of England and its ethos ‘…promotes the delivery of excellent educational experiences for pupils, improving their life chances.’
Woodlands Academy was part of the initial Hamish & Milo research project with the University of Bath and began using the programmes in the Autumn term of 2022.
Having a strong pastoral team and approach has been an important part of the ethos of Woodlands Academy. Lianne Sheldon their Family Link & Pastoral Support is central to developing practice and is the lead for Hamish & Milo, being supported by Assistant Head, Mike Rylands and TA, Vicky Amey, who has also begun to run groups.
Using the Hamish & Milo programme
The pastoral room where the Hamish & Milo groups are delivered is a beautiful space with soft lighting, cosy spaces, colourful displays and a very welcoming atmosphere. It is a safe space for the children to come to and know they are listened to with nurture very much at the centre of this approach.
Hamish & Milo pets along with the sock puppet pets are a central feature and the children love coming to the intervention groups.
At the start of implementing Hamish & Milo, Lianne worked with the teachers to identify children with the most need and they began to map these needs for the most vulnerable children to the Hamish & Milo programmes. As the school is small there is a sense of really knowing the children, the families and what the context and wider needs are for the children
Lianne and Vicky have a number of groups running:

There have been a number of highlights using the Hamish and Milo programme
There is a real acknowledgment of the power that a group intervention has with the range of activities, particularly the creative elements in each sessions. Lianne explained too how it; “…gives the children the chance to share all of the feelings they have and to know they aren’t alone with having uncomfortable feelings.”
Some of the highlights shared include:

Building relationships with parents is a key approach for Woodlands Academy and these links with parents help them to trust in Hamish & Milo
The pastoral approach at Woodlands Academy is something the team work hard at. “The parents we have are fierce, but are on board with us and we are working together.” said Lianne.
“The parents really begin to trust us when they know the children trust us, and they ring asking to speak to us directly. I am that extra safe adult. They need to know I am on board with them, and the children also know that they can go home and talk about the session at home. It’s giving them permission to talk to someone at home too,” comments Vicky.
There is a strong commitment to working with the parents at Woodlands Academy and they are keen to use the new Hamish & Milo Family Programme that is coming soon.
Navigator Dashboard provides impact reporting
Navigator was created to help schools capture and present impact data for the children involved. Navigator tracks and highlights progression for each child within the Hamish & Milo programme and can show each child’s story.
“Navigator is a core part of the intervention now. I can see where the gaps are, and the progress and it helps us to know where we need more information or what the provision should be.”
Woodlands ongoing plans
There is a strong ethos in ensuring wellbeing and pastoral approaches are an ongoing practise at Woodlands Academy, with the Hamish & Milo programme a core element. As part of the Cabot Learning Federation, best practice will be shared and the intervention programmes will continue to run as a way of meeting the needs of the children and showing real impact for their engagement in learning and life.