Transition day activity for getting to know each other ‘All about me’ activity template

Perfect to use at the start of the academic year, end of the school year or during transition or induction days ‘All about me’ activity templates are a great way to get to know new pupils by letting them tell you about themselves in their own words.

New term, new school, new friends, teachers and environments. How we connect with children and help them feel emotionally safe at the start of the year sets the precedent for the year ahead.

To help teachers get to know their new pupils, we’ve created this ‘This is me’ activity for children to complete and return to their new teacher.

Getting to know the children and allowing them to share about themselves, what works for them, and what they like and dislike is a powerful way to begin and this activity gives children a way to have their voice heard from the outset.

You can use this all about me activity now to help settle nerves at the beginning of the new school year as an introductory session. Simply ask your children to complete the activity using coloured pencils and pens and to draw or write in all the sections provided.

If you have children who need extra support to manage change and transitions, take a look at our New Beginnings and Me programme.

All about me Activity Template Free Hamish & Milo

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