‘Taught and caught’ – The importance of Social and Emotional Learning in schools

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a vital part of life and education and describes the ability to thrive socially and emotionally.

The development of social and emotional skills is vital for developing a sense of self-awareness, boosting self-esteem, encouraging emotional self-regulation and for healthy emotional and social development.

Where social and emotional learning is embedded as part of a school approach – is part of the curriculum, explicitly taught and forms part of the ethos, culture and values of the school, research shows more advantageous educational and life outcomes for children and young people.

SEL is described by The Collaboration for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning as ‘The process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.’ ¹

“It is well-established that healthy socio-emotional development is foundational to a successful school life as well as wellbeing in adult life. Schools present a unique opportunity to equip young people with the necessary socio-emotional skills given their central role in the lives of children and families.”²

Within schools and settings it is recognised that SEL can be taught explicitly through the curriculum, particularly through PSHE and SEMH targetted intervention, but also in a way where the skills are modelled or acquired through a ‘caught’ approach where it is part of the values, ethos and culture of the school. Through a ‘caught’ approach it is modelled, encouraged and is created through the relationships and interactions of all members of the school community and the emotional tone is set by the way staff lead, model and present the values of respect, trust and relational safety. Schools that place emotional wellbeing and relational practice at the centre of their whole approach enable greater capacity for achievement, healthy realtionships and increased opportunity for children and young people to thrive.

What is apparent within the current landscape of society, is the growing need to provide a rich social and emotional curriculum for children and for not only a ‘caught’ approach but a ‘taught’ approach to be given value and time within the educational context.

‘There is extensive international evidence that teaching SEL through planned programmes can have a positive impact on children’s attitudes to learning, relationships in school, academic attainment, and a range of other outcomes.’³

Within the societal context of emotional and mental health there is growing evidence to show the need for greater focus around targeted SEL intervention in schools and particularly for children with greater levels of adversity in their experiences of life or children considered as disadvantaged.

Research undertaken by Panayiotou et al. (2019) draws a correlation between having social and emotional skills (SES) and academic achievement by protecting individuals from poor mental health, which would otherwise reduce their ability to learn.

Happy Children Empathy

“The evidence shows that having strong SES enables students to build relationships with teachers and peers, maintain concentration, manage their emotions, navigate challenges and bounce back from failure.”⁴

What becomes evident through the growing body of research, is the need for targeted social and emotional intervention and opportunities for children to develop social and emotional skills but also have opportunities to be heard and given the opportunity to talk about their lives and experiences. All children, and especially those most disadvantaged, need to have their emotional literacy nurtured, supported and encouraged through feeling heard, understood and equipped with social and emotional skills to be able to live life well and to have long-term mental wellness.

“Addressing SES deficits could bring particular benefits to children and young people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, resulting in a reduction in the attainment gap and reduced inequality in later life.” ⁵

It is therefore apparent that providing both a ‘caught’ and ‘taught’ approach to developing emotional literacy in schools is advantagious, not only in providing the capacity to manage life and relationships well, but also in terms of capacity for achievement, aspiration and capacity to thrive. It is vital then that we provide qualitative and focussed intervention programmes that offer children the opportunity to develop SEL skills and the capacity to learn.

The Education Endowment Foundation in their Social and Emotional Learning in primary schools guidance report suggests that effective universal SEL provision is “likely to require some additional targeted support for pupils with particular social or emotional needs.” The approach they recommend is a ‘SAFE’ approach which stands for:

  • Sequenced: a set of connected learning activities that teaches social-emotional skills through a coordinated, step-by-step approach.

  • Active: learning methods such as role-play or behavioural rehearsal with feedback.

  • Focused: the inclusion of at least one programme component that focuses specifically on the development of social-emotional skills through devoting sufficient instructional time to it on a regular basis.

  • Explicit: teaching of clearly identified skills with clear and specific learning objectives, as distinguished from a programme goal on general skill enhancement.
Education Endowment Foundation EEF Logo

Research from Education Endowment Foundation

Hamish & Milo offers a SEMH curriculum that in its whole approach and framework is ‘SAFE’ in providing activities that are…

  • Sequenced with each theme having a coherent set of ten detailed session plans.
  • Active in using creative arts, role play of real-life scenarios and experiences and actively promoting discussion and reflection.
  • Focused on providing the psychoeducation for children to develop self-awareness and a range of social and emotional skills.
  • Explicit in its planned approach and framework, incorporating impact measurement tools to show developmental progress and application of skills within the learning environment.

The resource provides targeted small-group SEMH intervention through ten emotion themes; friendship, resilience, anxiety, diversity, angry feelings, change, conflict, loss, sadness and self-esteem.

SEL SEMH Intervention Children Empathy

Hamish & Milo is designed to promote the development of social and emotional literacy by ensuring children’s voice is central, with time to share experiences, develop empathy and friendships in a small group environment of safety, value and belonging.

The programme:

  • Encourages co-operation with others.

  • Builds self-esteem through positive social interaction.

  • Demonstrates effective social behaviour.

  • Creates imaginary situations to discuss the feelings of others and using age-appropriate storytelling as a tool to explore various aspects of emotional experiences in a safe way.

  • Creates a healthy and successful learning environment where relationships are paramount.

The SAFE approach is included in the latest EEF 2021 recommendations for SEL provision in primary schools, alongside five other recommendations for effective school practice:

  • Teach SEL explicitly.

  • Integrate and model SEL skills through everyday teaching.

  • Plan carefully for adopting a SEL programme.

  • Use a SAFE curriculum.

  • Reinforce SEL skills through whole-school ethos and activities.

  • Plan, support, and monitor SEL implementation.

It is a surely moral imperative to provide our children, now and in the future, with the social and emotional skills for the wider world, for healthy relationships and for mental health that enables them to reach for their own dreams and goals. Through the culture and curriculum, schools and educational settings have the unique opportunity to make this happen.

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