National Day of Reflection: reflection daffodils activity


The nation today honours and remembers the lives of all those lost during the last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

When considering bereavement and loss we know how important it is for all of us, but especially children to be able to take time to reflect on the loved ones they have lost and hold their special memories close.

Activity suggestion: We have created a template with space for the children to draw someone who is very special to them (or a pet) that they would like to think about and celebrate the memory of in the centre area.

Then encourage the children to draw or write words that describe some of the special characteristics of their person in each of the petals. They could also write down special memories if they wish to.

Then fix the pictures to the window or hang them from the ceiling as a way of helping the children to reflect.

Cartoon of Milo sleeping on his chair

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Cartoon of Milo sleeping on his chair

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