Understanding the needs of children and their experiences is key in how you might select children for the groups. Some children will have presenting behaviours that suggest they may benefit from an intervention approach and it may be part of an EHCP or individualised support plan that intervention would be helpful. Parents/carers or teachers may raise awareness or concern for a child and it may be that an intervention group would help. The SENCO and pastoral staff member would perhaps be best placed to think about the needs of individual children, the potential group dynamics and to organise the children into whichever group may be most beneficial. Using the wellbeing profiles may help to identify levels of need for specific children and it would be important to monitor and review the intervention programme in discussion with parents/carers/teachers or the member of staff running the group to ensure the best fit for children. Talking to children about what they would like and how they feel is important too and can help them to feel involved in important decisions about them.