Creating a SEMH inclusive school – SENDcast Podcast

With SENDcast host Dale Pickles of B Squared and our author Clare Williams

The social and emotional development, mental health, and wellbeing of children has become a critical issue, with a crisis now widely recognised.

NHS Digital reports that 1 in 5 children face mental health challenges, and we continue to see alarming rates of exclusions and suspensions, and numbers are rising in primary schools.

A strategic approach to prioritising children’s social and emotional literacy, health, and wellbeing is essential for school improvement and positive outcomes.

Clare Williams, our author and creator discussed this with Dale Pickles on SENDcast, an award-winning weekly podcast focusing on Special Educational Needs. In the episdoe ‘Creating a SEMH inclusive school’, Clare discusses the pressing need for schools to adopt practices that foster social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) support for ALL students, not just those with SEND.

At Hamish & Milo we advocate for inclusive, relational practices ensuring that schools have access to evidence-based resources, qualitative CPD training, impact measurement tools, and opportunities for collaboration with parents.

”It was a pleasure to meet with Dale on SENDcast to discuss the importance of children’s emotional health, the challenges we are facing societally and particularly for schools in meeting the social and emotional needs of children. It is even more important that we focus strategically on creating cultures in schools that support, promote and enable mental health and wellbeing to be the priority. We needs to provide quality training and support for staff, whilst really listening and hearing children’s voices and to then provide explicit targeted intervention.”

Clare Williams

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