Children’s Mental Health Week – activity feature from ‘Amazing me’ and free download


Children’s Mental Health Week theme for 2022 is ‘Growing Together’ and the focus is on how we grow emotionally and help each other to thrive.

There is recognition of the huge challenges and adversity that we have all faced particularly since the pandemic impacted our lives but with an emphasis on helping us to ‘grow and adapt’, to try new things to “help us move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential.”

By helping children to overcome challenges, recognise their strengths and their uniqueness, they can develop their own self-worth and celebrate in each other’s achievements as they grow together.

As we shine a spotlight on Children’s Mental Health Week we would like to highlight our activity ‘nature gardens’ from our ‘Amazing me’ programme great to do with your children in celebration of – Growing Together!

The ‘Amazing me’ programme helps children recognise, celebrate and value their own self-worth and to feel a sense of pride through a range of activities and opportunities to share their experiences together.

The activity ‘nature gardens’ encourages the children to create and grow their own miniature garden with the awareness of what helps them to thrive and grow and the importance of their own nurture and care. Nurturing and enabling our children to grow and to reach towards and beyond their potential and into their own realm of possibility is what is important for us all.

Feel free to download this activity to use with your children this week or indeed any time!

We share a featured activity free in all future newsletters – so please sign up today!

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Childrens Mental Health Week Free Activity
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