Anti-bullying Week – encouraging and celebrating diversity

Celebrating differences and acknowledging similarities is important in allowing us to be true to ourselves, to value who we are and what matters to us. Standing up for what we believe in and ‘making some noise’ about things that matter sends an important message of value and strengthens our own self-belief.

Feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance is a human need, as is connection to others. It is crucial that we support children to understand the context they live in, to feel appreciated and celebrated for who they are and who they will become. Let’s all be kind to each other and respect each other’s individuality.

The Hamish & Milo ‘Celebrating Me’ intervention programme promotes difference and diversity – neurodiversity, disability and cultural diversity within society. The programme helps children to acknowledge the often-uncomfortable experience of ‘feeling different,’ of not feeling included, valued or that you belong and inspires children to stand up for what they believe in, to champion a cause and to celebrate the wealth of diversity in our communities and our world.

“When we feel we belong and recognise similarities in people we are with, we feel accepted and safe. But when we feel different, or that we don’t belong, we can feel confused, uncertain or mixed.”

Clare Williams, Hamish & Milo Author

Encouraging and Celebrating Diversity
Diversity ELSA Resources Hamish & Milo
Pride Month 2022 Celebrating me
Anti-Bullying Week Encouraging Celebrating Diversity

The Hamish & Milo ‘Celebrating Me’ intervention programme promotes difference and diversity

Our ‘Celebrating Me’ difference and diversity pack helps children to understand the feelings that we may experience and begin to express these thoughts and feelings. It also allows them opportunities to celebrate the beauty of diversity.

There are opportunities to understand prejudice and stereotyping, to know how it may feel to be treated unfairly and how to challenge this. Celebrating difference and celebrating who we are form the core message for children to feel special and unique. Through discussion and the activities with an empathic, trusted adult the children will:

  • explore what it is to be unique and special,
  • understand how it may feel to be treated unfairly and how to challenge this,

  • recognise how we can all have different feelings and experiences,

  • find ways to stand up for their own thoughts and ideas,

  • celebrate diversity.

This Anti-Bullying Week you could work through this ‘Celebrating me!’ activity that helps the children celebrate who they are and to recognise their attributes, strengths and unique qualities.

Written by Andrea Middleton

Andrea Middleton Hamish & Milo Lead Consultant

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