Hamish & Milo Wellbeing Resources Logo

Voyager Wellbeing in Education Award

Training Evaluation Form

We hope you have enjoyed the course and it has been valuable CPD.

We would appreciate your feedback to help us continue to ensure the training is well received by all. It is just a few short questions and will take no more than five minutes.

Feedback is anonymous therefore we do not require you to provide your name or any other identifying information unless you wish to.

Voyager Survey 01

Did the training meet your overall expectations?

Tick the emoji that best represents your overall impression of the training.

Voyager Survey 02

Did the content meet your expectations?

Were you happy with the quality and relevancy of the course content?

Voyager Survey 03

Were your personal training objectives met?

Did Voyager meet the personal development objectives and outcomes that you had expected?

Voyager Survey 03

Did you feel that your trainer was knowledgeable and well-prepared?

We're your trainer(s) engaging? Did you feel supported throughout?

Voyager Survey 03

Do you feel that the course length and time allotted for the training was sufficient?

Was the pace of the course appropriate to the content and attendees?

Voyager Survey 03

Are there any developments or changes that you would recommend?

What aspects of the training could be improved?

Voyager Survey 03

Did you experience any communication or technical issues?

Was the course information well communicated? Were the resources easy to access and did you experience any technical issues with Zoom or Hamish & Milo Online?

Voyager Survey 03

Please share the three most important things you learned from this course.

From either professional or personal perspective.

Voyager Survey 03

Is there anything you wish you knew before the training started?

Voyager Survey 03

Would you recommend this course to your peers?

Voyager Survey 03

Thank you!

Your feedback will really help us develop our training further.

Enter your email address if you wish or simply click submit.

Voyager Survey 03