Yes, once you have purchased the Families Together parent programme you can use it with as many groups as you like. All the online resources are available for unlimited staff for unlimited time. We provide stickers, certificates and sock puppet pet craft kits for three groups and you can purchase top up bundles for additional groups at £75.
All session plans are available online as well as downloadable resources such as templates, models and activities. We also send you the sock puppet pet craft kits, stickers and certificates.
• Access to a room or space for six children and six adults
• Refreshments such as tea, coffee, squash, milk, biscuits, cakes
• Supporting resources such as art materials, as outlined in our provided resource list
• Some preparation time
Try to encourage a parent or family member to come each time because the importance is on the child having their special adult with them to do the family activity. It might be best for a child to miss a session if their parent or carer can’t make a session, or if there is a special adult who can step in on an odd occasion that could still work, but only as a last resort.
Yes. It is a ten-week programme and family members are encouraged to attend all sessions. Each week covers a new emotion theme and fundamental social and emotional development skills relevant to them even if their child has only completed one of the Hamish & Milo intervention groups.
All you can do is encourage the parents and carers to join the programme by explaining how it is to help them understand more about Hamish & Milo and what their children are learning in their groups, as well as provide them with practical approaches, skills and language to support the wellbeing of their children. We hope they will be interested in coming but sometimes reluctant parents may join the next time when they have heard good things and word has spread!
This will depend on your school setting and your confidence. Ideally, it is best to have two adults to facilitate discussions and assist with activities. However, we understand that due to capacity issues in schools, it may be necessary for the programme to be run by just one facilitator.
We suggest facilitators run the programme after attending our free 90-minute Families Together training session on content and implementation. A two-day accredited training programme is planned to build facilitator confidence, expertise and practice.with space for the activities and to ensure that everyone has time and opportunity to speak and share ideas in the group.
Depending on capacity and time, we recommend you run a Families Together programme once per term. It will depend on the number of children and parents you wish to be involved in the programme and the logistics for each school. You could have a waiting list and, depending on capacity, run additional groups.
No. Families Together parent programme supports the understanding of children’s social and emotional development and the contents of Hamish & Milo SEMH programmes so that schools and families can better work together to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.
Yes, the groups can include children from different age groups. Parents can discuss a range of things about different emotions and experiences and relate it to their child whatever the age. It can be beneficial to have groups with children of similar ages. Remember, you know your children best!
Knowing your children, you may like to select parents if you think they would benefit particularly from the programme and extend a personal invitation. Alternatively, you could hold an information session for all parents and carers of children who have been in an intervention group and offer a place to anyone who would like to join.
Yes! Encourage dads, mums, stepparents, aunts, uncles, grandparents – whoever is a key caregiver and free to join the sessions. We recognise that some parents work, and it is hard to attend all sessions, but please encourage family members to come so that the child has a special adult with them each week. It works best if it is the same adult each week, but sometimes we have to be flexible as lives are busy.
Like the main intervention programme aim for six children, and then a family member, whether a parent, carer, grandparent etc. per child. The group needs to be manageable for the size of the room with space for the activities and to ensure that everyone has time and opportunity to speak and share ideas in the group.